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  • kel256

Contacting Clients during COVID-19 ~ #5

This is the fifth installment of the series designed for AEs to stay in contact with their current and prospective clients. Below is a sample communication for AEs.

Please let me know if you have any questions and stay healthy!


Hello (Name),

While I know and respect that you have been careful with your advertising in this turbulent time, you are probably aware that we are beginning to move in a more positive direction. I would enjoy discussing your future marketing plans. Below and attached is the fifth in the ProMax marketing series designed to assist advertisers during the pandemic. The “Questions to Consider” are great thought-starters. In advance of restrictions being lifted, I would enjoy brainstorming with you to develop a strategy that will assist you in gaining market share and a competitive advantage.

If you missed the other segments in this series, please let me know and I am happy to send them to you (#1: Communication is Key, Communication is Free; #2 Free or Affordable Marketing Strategies, #3 Get Involved instead of Retreating, #4 Advertising During Challenging Times).

Stay connected. Stay strong. Stay healthy. Start planning for the future!

(Account Representative)

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