Exceptional Leadership Helps Build Profits
Maximum Management & Leadership
Leadership in Today's Complex Environment
Effective Hiring & Recruiting
Setting Expectations / Accountability
Coaching for Success / Developmental Feedback
Rewards & Recognition / Motivating Teams
Training & Tracking for Maximum Performance
Additional Leadership Topics
MAX Coaching
Coaching to Behavior Styles (DiSC)
Coaching Under-Performers
Dynamics of High-Performance Teams
Essential Skills for New Supervisors
Wow'em! with Customer Service
"I've had the unique opportunity to work with ProMax in a number of roles throughout my career. I have seen the phenomenal consulting provided by ProMax and personally experienced the benefits of the training. For nearly 10 years, I've kept ProMax training guides by my side in every role I've had in my career. I've specifically employed the "go-to strategies" in countless situations and have witnessed immediate results. ProMax has masterfully combined rich experiences in sales leadership with the ability to convey hands-on approaches while immediately moving the revenue needle! All stated, I haven’t even mentioned how fun, engaging and relevant the sessions are for any professional at any level."
~ Advertising Director